Reauthorizing Airtable

How to reauthorize Airtable and upgrade to Airtable OAuth

Why do I need to reauthorize Airtable?

Earlier this year Airtable switched to OAuth. Whalesync has now upgraded to Airtable OAuth (which has many benefits including improved sync speed), but you will need to re-authorize your Whalesync base to take advantage of this update. Airtable is forcing all apps to migrate to this new auth system.

How to reauthorize Airtable in Whalesync

1) Go to and click to edit your Whalesync base

2) On the "Connect Apps" tab, click "Reauthorize" for Airtable

3) Input the necessary reauthorization information

4) Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 across all Whalesync bases that sync with Airtable

Last updated