Page cover image


Supported Fields


🤖 AI field

✅ Supported

📂 Attachment (Image)

✅ Supported

#️⃣ Autonumber

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

📇 Barcode

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

🔘 Button

✖️ Not Yet

☑️ Checkbox

✅ Supported

🫂 Collaborator

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

🔢 Count

✅ Supported

🧑 Created by

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

💱 Currency

✅ Supported

📅 Date

✅ Supported

⏱️ Duration

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

✉️ Email

✅ Supported

📊 Formula

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

🖇️ Linked records

✅ Supported

🖇️ Linked records - multiple

✅ Supported

📝 Long text

✅ Supported

📰 Long text - rich text

✅ Supported

👀 Lookup

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

🏷️ Multi-select

✅ Supported

#️⃣ Number

✅ Supported

➗ Percent

✅ Supported

📞 Phone number

✅ Supported

⭐ Rating

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

🆔 Record ID

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

🌀 Rollup

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

🔽 Single select

✅ Supported

📝 Single line text

✅ Supported


✅ Supported

Things to Keep in Mind

Airtable view sync

Whalesync supports syncing Airtable views! Note - you can't use Airtable view sync and two-way sync at the same time.

See our guide for more details:

Airtable view sync

Airtable rich text caveats

Airtable rich text is a form of Markdown, and one common use case for Whalesync is to use Airtable rich text to create content to publish on a website. Therefore we support converting Airtable rich text to HTML.

In order to preserve all spacing within Airtable rich text, Whalesync sometimes needs to add empty lines to the produced HTML. These empty lines show up like this:

<p class="whalesync-empty-line">&#8203;</p>

The HTML character &#8203; is hidden by browsers, but wrapping the character in a paragraph tag will produce an empty line.

Last updated

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