Common Errors - Airtable
Common error messages and how to resolve them
Last updated
Common error messages and how to resolve them
Last updated
You have reached the maximum access authorizations for this integration
This is an Airtable limitation that occurs during authorization and looks like this:
Suggested Action:
Delete old connections in Airtable
See this Airtable support doc
Field 'slug': Unique value is already in database
Your app (eg. Webflow) is trying to create a record with a certain slug, but can't because a record already exists with the same slug. This may occur if you've previously created a record, then deleted it from Webflow, but not re-published your Webflow site. Webflow doesn't "fully delete" records until the site has been republished which can cause this issue.
If the above is not the case, it could be an indicator that you have more than one record with the same slug in your source app.
Suggested Action:
If you're syncing with Webflow, republish your Webflow site and then retry sync
If you're syncing Airtable, we suggest using an Airtable formula to create slugs:
Alternatively, you can unmap the slug field:
1) edit your Whalesync base
2) unmap the slug field
3) turn sync back on
4) hit "retry sync" from the issues page