Page cover image

Google Sheets

Supported Fields


📝 Text

✅ Supported

🔢 Number

✅ Supported

📅 Date

✅ Supported


✅ Supported

💰 Currency

✅ Supported

📧 Email

✅ Supported

📜 Drop-Down

✅ Supported

🗳️ Checkbox

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

⚠️ Before syncing Google Sheets

Whalesync uses the first row and column to enable syncing with Google Sheets

Avoid making changes to the first row during the initial sync.

This will cause sync problems as Whalesync uses that row to sync your data.

Do not use "Sort range" on Sheets that are syncing! This will cause sync problems as it changes the row IDs.


By default, Whalesync freezes the first row to preserve these fields.

After the initial sync, you're free to reorder rows or columns—just keep the first row unchanged.


A hidden "Whalesync ID" column is automatically created in column A to track records.

Avoid editing the "Whalesync ID" column to prevent sync errors.

How to format field types👇

Formatting columns

How to add foreign key fields 👇

Foreign keys

Video Guide

A quick video demo for how to sync Google Sheets and Airtable

Last updated

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