
Supported Fields

Things to Keep in Mind

Republish your Webflow site

Webflow requires you to republish your Webflow site any time you make a change to the CMS (eg. add a new field to a collection) in order for syncing to work.

Publish to all domains

Webflow sites need to be published to all domains for syncing to work

Restoring from a backup

Webflow resets all item IDs if you restore your Webflow site from a backup. Since Whalesync uses those IDs to identify your records, restoring from a backup will break your Whalesyn configuration.

Webflow Status

You can control the status of Webflow items ("Published", "Draft", "Archived") using our Webflow Status field extension:

Multi-reference fields

Whalesync supports multi-reference fields out of the box! See the guide below to ensure this is configured correctly:

Memberships sync

Whalesync supports syncing Webflow's new Memberships (aka Users) table. See our docs:

Webflow x Airtable

Use a powerful Airtable database to control your Webflow CMS

Webflow x Notion

Sync blog posts or other content from Notion to your Webflow CMS.

Last updated