Page cover image


Supported Fields


🏷️ Array

✅ Supported

#️⃣ Bigint

✅ Supported

📝 Bit

✅ Supported

☑️ Boolean

✅ Supported

📝 Composite

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

📅 Date

✅ Supported

📅 Daterange

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

🔗 Domain

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

🔘 Enum

✅ Supported

🖇️ Foreign Key

✅ Supported

#️⃣ Geometric

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

#️⃣ Integer

✅ Supported

#️⃣ Interval

➡️ Supported (1-Way)


✅ Supported

💱 Money

✅ Supported

📝 Network

✅ Supported

#️⃣ Numeric

✅ Supported

⏱️ Range

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

📝 Text

✅ Supported

📝 Textsearch

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

⏱️ Time

➡️ Supported (1-Way)

⏱️ Timestamp

✅ Supported

🆔 Uuid

✅ Supported

🗃️ XML

✅ Supported


✖️ Not Yet

Things to Keep in Mind

During Setup

All Postgres tables must have a primary key We use the primary key to keep your data in sync. See Postgres snippets for additional detail.

Primary keys must be auto-generated Make sure your primary keys are generated by your database (i.e. have a default value). See Postgres snippets for additional detail.

Double-check that the Postgres account you use with Whalesync has access to the tables you want to map.

After Setup

Renaming schema, tables, or columns will break Whalesync mappings If you rename a table or column, you'll need to remap the impacted table/column in Whalesync. Note - remapping an impacted table will lead to duplicates unless you reset your data as well.

Handy Tips

We support foreign keys (including two-way sync)! Make sure to map both tables and reach out for help if not sure how to set it up.

Adding ".html" or "_html" to the end of a column name will preserve HTML If you name a Postgres column something such as "text_html", Whalesync will preserve that column's values as HTML while syncing.

Last updated

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