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Bubble API Changes

On April 6, 2023, Bubble announced pricing changes that affected their API, and on October 1, 2024, they migrated all users to new API pricing.

Due to Bubble's API limitations, Whalesync will be slower to sync changes out of Bubble and you will likely need to upgrade your Bubble plan to continue using Whalesync.

Whalesync uses polling to observe changes to records, which uses Bubble's "workload units". Bubble does not support webhooks which would reduce the need for polling. We are working with the Bubble team to find a good solution, but in the meantime, please be aware that Whalesync may use a significant amount of your workload units depending on your Bubble subscription.

Supported Fields


πŸ–‡οΈ Composite types

βœ… Supported

πŸ§‘ Created by

➑️ Supported (1-Way)

πŸ•  Created date

➑️ Supported (1-Way)

πŸ“… Date

βœ… Supported

πŸ“… Date interval

βœ–οΈ Not Yet

πŸ“… Date range

βœ–οΈ Not Yet

πŸ“Geographic address

βœ–οΈ Not Yet

πŸ“‚ Image/file

βœ… Supported

πŸ•  Modified date

➑️ Supported (1-Way)

#️⃣ Number

βœ… Supported

#️⃣ Number interval

βœ–οΈ Not Yet

πŸ“ Slug

➑️ Supported (1-Way)

πŸ“ Text

βœ… Supported

πŸ«‚ User

βœ… Supported

β˜‘οΈ Yes/no

βœ… Supported

Things to Keep in Mind

Must enable data API Bubble requires the Data API to be enabled for syncing to work. Follow the instructions below to enable it.

  1. Go to Settings > API

  2. Check the box for "Enable Data API"

  3. Check the box for all tables you plan to sync

Renaming schema, tables, or columns will break Whalesync mappings If you rename a table or column, you'll need to remap the impacted table/column in Whalesync. Note - remapping an impacted table will lead to duplicates unless you reset your data as well.

If you need to rename a table in Bubble, we suggest making sure that every record has a unique identifier that can be matched on, then turn off the old sync and set up a new sync with Record matching.

The email field for User "things" has a record sync delay if syncing with Airtable Bubble has a special data table called User that they treat differently than other tables. Specifically, you need to send it a valid email address. When syncing Bubble with Airtable, this can cause problems since Airtable saves every keystroke. To avoid this issue, Whalesync defaults to a 30-second record sync delay. See record sync delay for more details.

Last updated

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